
WordPress tutorial 2022

WordPress tutorial

Before start WordPress tutorial, get to know it a little. WordPress is a content management system that is used for website design. This system helps you to set up a complete website without coding.

Today, WordPress has many fans and many sites use this system. Maybe you are one of the people who have decided to learn this wonderful system, but have given up on it because of not finding comprehensive and easy training. We are here to help you.

wordpress in WordPress tutorial

If you are not very familiar with WordPress, don’t worry because we will explain WordPress in full in the first lesson.

Nirwp team, based on the experience it has gained in the past few years, has decided to prepare a comprehensive but very smooth and simple tutorial for WordPress so that any user with any knowledge can easily learn WordPress by watching the tutorials.

The WordPress tutorial is carefully planned and all chapters and lessons are produced based on our experience and how the users learn.

WordPress tutorial prerequisites

As it has been said before, you don’t need any prerequisites or coding knowledge to design a website with WordPress, and you only need to know how to work with a computer, and we will teach the rest completely in this course.

You just have to enter your content in WordPress in a simple way and WordPress itself will automatically code the pages.


Cost required for website design

WordPress can be downloaded for free and none of the things mentioned in the WordPress tutorial require any cost.

The only cost you have to pay is the hosting and domain costs, which of course you don’t need to get them to get started. If you want, you can temporarily start the site on your local host or your own computer for training and learning. When you are done with your website on your local host and you are ready to publish it online, you can easily transfer it to your internet-based host.

Also, in this course, which is also free, no part of it needs to be paid for, and a complete site can be set up with free WordPress tools and add-ons.


Training chapters

We have tried to teach all the important points of WordPress in a simple way and teach WordPress from A to Z in a way that after watching these trainings, you will no longer need to see any other tutorials.

In WordPress training, we teach from installing WordPress on a local host to advanced WordPress settings and great solutions in website design that help you design your website professionally.

WordPress tutorial

The result of training

After watching Nirwp’s WordPress course, you can easily set up your site with WordPress.

This training is in such a way that you can design any type of site you want, such as store, company and news sites

So don’t miss the opportunity and start learning WordPress and learning how to design a website right now.

  • Fundamentals
  • Install Wordpress
  • Working with WordPress

this tutorial consists of WordPress training from A to Z.  In the first chapter you will get to know the basics of website design and the we will introduce you to the basics of this work. Website design with WordPress is one of the most lucrative and attractive jobs in the Internet world, and we receive hundreds of views daily from those interested in this field.

We recommend that you see the website design tutorial not just once, but several times! Because every time you see more details of WordPress training, you can take stronger and stronger steps with increasing expertise. Without wasting time, go to the first session of WordPress training and start your future.

In the second chapter of WordPress training, things will be more detailed, you will experience your first site in the Internet world, initial launch and great enthusiasm. By purchasing a host and domain, you conquer the first gateway to the Internet, and then we will install the site management software, that is, "WordPress" together on the host.

Don't doubt that we are still at the beginning of the path and maybe we have to train together for months and years to build a successful society together. To learn WordPress, it is enough to spend enough attention in this training course and go to the next session of WordPress video training without wasting time.


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